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#1 2009-10-17 15:30:38


Putting Images on the Forum

Some Forum users have had problems putting images on the forum (including myself) so I thought I'd post this to help. Beneath this text box that I'm writing in (you'd have to be writing in one to see what I'm seeing) are four help thingies - BBCode, [img]tag, Smilies and Attachments. If you click on these a new window appears with information.

The [img] tag is for images and it tells you how to put in an image. To place an image you will need the image's URL - this is the web address of the image, so the image must already be on the Internet - on a website like Flickr or Facebook. To access the URL, right click on photo, click on properties and copy the location (which is the URL).

To get that photo on the forum put the URL in like this:

[img]URL address in this space[/img]

So you are typing in the [img]and[/img] on either side of the pasted URL, like this

Blimey, it's problably easier to understand the forum help file.


#2 2009-10-17 15:43:29

Gibby Jones

Re: Putting Images on the Forum

Thank you johneager, this was very useful as i only wanted to put my picture on the forum and was surprised to see it where it is now. Also the picture was taken at a sideways angle and seems far too big in height, should i resize the height in this case?


#3 2009-10-18 16:09:09


Re: Putting Images on the Forum

Gibby, that's up to you. The very maximum size is 600 pixels wide, we usually think of 440 pixels as being big, and 220 pixels width is a good size if you want to wrap your text around it.


#4 2009-11-29 12:56:17


Re: Putting Images on the Forum

who what where when ???

Last edited by lllrae (2009-11-29 13:13:55)


#5 2009-11-29 14:30:42

Gibby Jones

Re: Putting Images on the Forum



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