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#1 2013-06-17 16:30:52

Ray X

"Tesco for Terrorists"

It seems a bit unfair for MI6 'spies' to refer to the local/global Tesco grocers like this to Prime Minister Cameron [as reported on the Mail Online 17/06/13].

Although the reference is made to describe the arms overflow in Syria and the potential terrorist blowback that may be aimed at UK subjects, it is unfortunate, and perhaps deliberately designed, for the grocer to be juxtaposed alongside terrorists in this Daily Mail headline.

It would be fairer, perhaps, to mention Tesco with regard to retail domination, ecological destruction, third world poverty, global warming, misleading marketing and its failure to pay many of its workers a living wage, which leads to an added burden on the UK tax payer.

But terrorism? Surely not.

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#2 2013-06-23 17:10:30

Re: "Tesco for Terrorists"

Mind you, a recent "Newsnight" debate about Edward Snowsden and GCHQ did point out that companies like Tesco/Expedia/Amazon now held more information about us than the CIA could ever hope to gather, so maybe not so far fetched?


#3 2014-07-16 15:57:32

Ray X

Re: "Tesco for Terrorists"

But slavery? Definitely, yes.

Several weeks after it was reported internationally that Tesco was buying prawns from CP Foods of Thailand, who it was found are using modern day slaves in their supply chain - Tesco's supply chain.

Even after last year's horse meat scandal when Tesco promised to clean up its supply chain and offer transparency to consumers, even after it was previously reported that CP Foods are using environmentally destructive methods in their prawn farming, still Tesco, then and now, fails to act on the gruesome and exploitative issue of slave workers in its own supply chain.

How would you feel if you were a customer of Tesco, in full knowledge that it profits from human slavery and environmental marine destruction to put prawns on your plate?


#4 2014-08-11 13:16:00


Re: "Tesco for Terrorists"

And now the Food Standards Agency is telling consumers that most of the chickens Tesco and other supermarkets are selling are contaminated with campylobacter, a bacteria that causes food poisoning. An investigation by the Guardian newspaper recently revealed very poor food hygiene practices by chicken abattoirs that supply Tesco supermarket. All its talk of investigating its own supply chains just seems like hot air - bacteria that can disable you for life; human slavery; environmental destruction and horses sold as beef. Where will it all end?

Tesco wanted to control (or own) the whole retail industry, from farm to shelf, from USA to China, from One Stop to cafe; from food to clothes to electronics and beyond - banking and even government.

But it can't or won't inspect its own supply chains for dangerous or illegal malpractice.

Nobody really trusts every little helps.


#5 2014-09-26 14:15:50

Lady Pen

Re: "Tesco for Terrorists"

And then they fiddled the books... by a quarter of a billion pounds!
Mary Dejevsky writing in the Guardian: "There is a secret to shopping at Tesco... the secret lies in low expectations... shouty price wars concealed price increases... too few staff, inadequate hygiene... many people shopped at Tesco for want of an alternative... Tesco will be branded uniquely rotten."

This supermarket's decline is endless... because the behemoth is never sanctioned by law - it can deceive its staff, its customers, its shareholders and the stock market, and allow itself to be deceived by its suppliers, but this supermarket that once sat at the heart of Tony's government, must be too big to be broken.

Last edited by Lady Pen (2014-09-26 14:16:45)


#6 2014-10-09 14:26:32

Ray X

Re: "Tesco for Terrorists"

That £250m fiddle by Tesco was money it intended to exploit from its suppliers. At the end of the fiscal year Tesco mobsters turn up on their suppliers doorstep and demand a portion of their profits.. or else... or else they'll find another supplier. Any supplier daft enough to have all its eggs in Tesco's basket can hardly say no. And then Tesco wonders why its suppliers take shortcuts to reduce their costs and maximize profits - by using horse meat as beef; using slave workers in the prawn market; cutting health and safety corners in chicken abbatoirs...


#7 2015-08-11 15:46:37

Lady Pen

Re: "Tesco for Terrorists"

In today's newspapers it is alleged that Tesco supermarket have used modern day slaves in their food chain - trafficked Lithuanians working in the chicken market who were treated appallingly, overworked and unpaid, threatened with violence and assaulted. These allegations are made against the Houghtons from Kent, who supplied eggs to Freedom Food, Noble Foods and the Happy Egg Company, who in turn supplied the likes of Tesco and McDonalds. In the report it is also stated that Prime Minister David Cameron was lent a helicopter by Noble Foods during his election campaigning.


#8 2016-03-15 16:40:44


Re: "Tesco for Terrorists"

And today Tesco is saying it will cut it's workforce by 10% over the next three years, citing falling food prices.

Is Tesco having a laugh? Food prices have fallen because at long last there is real competition between supermarkets with the likes of Aldi and Lidl taking on the cartel big boys of Sainsbury, Tesco et al.

Tesco prices for products like prawns, chicken and beef should actually be rising as the grocer is supposed to be acting more diligently by eliminating slaves, deadly bacteria and horses from its supply chains.


#9 2016-09-16 12:13:37

Lead Belly

Re: "Tesco for Terrorists"

Why oh why oh why can't Tesco make an immediate ban on these plastic micro beads in health and beauty products.

They're poisoning us and the fish in the sea. Why wait until the end of 2017? If Waitrose and Asda can make the ban now, why not Tesco?

Obviously, they just don't care.


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