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#1 2016-05-04 17:00:49

Ray X

EU Ref

It ain’t that much of a choice – vote In for an undemocratic German dominated corporate elite neo-liberal agenda, or vote Out for deceitful Tory dominated corporate elite neo-liberal agenda.

Or vote In for future global governance by an invisible elite or vote Out for a safe seat Tory with 5 jobs who can do no wrong and who receives secret EU payments.

You vote In and choose between a number of MEPs who you don’t know and never will, whose names you will soon forget and have no idea how they represent you. Or you vote Out for an anglo-centric, London-centric UK Parliament that doesn’t believe  Herefordshire deserves the same slice of the pie as the rest of the UK.

Vote In for President Gas or vote Out for Elizabeth the Last.

The In lie is that we’d be part of a reformed EU that will suit the UK. The reality is the UK sits at the edge of the EU and the EU wants deeper political union.

At the heart of Europe making positive decisions is something I could have voted for. But the UK, through our media and politicians, has always despised the EU (with the exception of greasy Blair, who was never chosen to be unelected president of the EU).

The fear of Out is the economic uncertainty; all those billions of pounds (not Euros) that may or may not be lost.

But it’s not about the economy, stupid. Surely, this is about our democracy.

Although I don’t think we should be swayed by politicians, political parties or the media, it is worth looking at the Outs reaction to Resident Obama (White House) who said something about being at the back of the queue if we’re not on board with the EU and sign that damned trade pact. Why didn’t Boris et al counter by saying we don’t want the TTIP trade agreement?

After the Greenpeace leaks revealed yesterday what we already knew –that  this is trade agreement that is good for corporations, bad for democracy, bad for national governments, bad for people and bad for the environment - why would Boris support this agreement?

Because he is one of them. He’s one of them neo-liberal establishment apologists and a supporter of the elite corporate club. He knows which side of the bread is greased. As do our bureaucratic EU brothers and sisters.
No, it ain’t much of a choice.


#2 2016-05-18 11:34:19

Lady Pen

Re: EU Ref

It seems odd, but understandable considering the duplicity of politicians, that the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, thinks that leaving the EU would make war and terrorism more likely.

When did he come to this decision - a few months ago when he himself was threatening to leave the EU if he didn't get the agreement he sought, or perhaps back in the days of the coalition when he called the referendum to appease members of his party and hold off the political challenge of UKIP?

Wouldn't a sensible Prime Minister make decisions of international and national importance based on the security of the nation he governed? Obviously not.



#3 2016-05-18 13:23:13

Ray X

Re: EU Ref

A conspiracy theorist might like to conclude that Boris Johnson is the fall guy for the establishment. Well, it's not really likely that this buffoon would have made a credible Prime Minister.

His assumed leadership of the Brexit campaign has seriously weakened informed debate, increased ridiculous rhetoric and exposed the prejudice of the Tory party.

Why on Earth would Johnson use the dreaded H-word? After Ken Livingstone's last breathy H-word has only just escaped his lips and left him politically imploded, Boris pulls the same stunt. Is he trying to be the English Donald Trump?

Boris! We are not Americans and the H-word cannot be spoken in Europe, regardless of context, without shock, ridicule and censure. Surely, all politicians must know this.

So why did he do it? Well, with the Tories leading both campaigns, leave and stay, the Conservative Party can only win and lose. There is no doubt they will claim credit for their victory. As for their binary defeat, well with the weakness of all the other political parties in England, does the defeat really matter? And besides they will also have won and that will be more important than their defeat.

So is Johnson the fall guy? He is establishment and the elite want the UK to remain in the EU - just listen to our overlords in the EU, the banks, the IMF and the large corporations.

Johnson I'm sure will be rewarded for his sinking of the Brexit vote. While politically he will be finished, he has done his time, dropped the H-word bomb and will find himself well rewarded with directorships in various multi-national corporations.

Last edited by Ray X (2016-05-18 13:26:30)


#4 2016-05-22 21:13:14


Re: EU Ref

May, 2020

Having banned Muslims from the USA shortly after his landslide victory in 2016, Donald Trump is currently putting the finishing touches to his bid for a second term in the White House.  Elections take place in November.

Also in 2016, the UK voted by referendum to leave the EU, but analysis showed some parts of the UK taken on their own would have remained in.  The most notable of these was Scotland, which had voted by over 65% to remain part of the EU.  This prompted the Fishy people to call another referendum in Scotland to leave the UK, which took place in 2018 and was resoundingly successful.  Scotland is currently re-applying for EU membership, but has been told it will be at the back of the queue - behind Turkey and Montenegro.

The TTIP, however, has been implemented and the NHS was taken over last year by the American pharmaceutical giant, Pfizer.

Meanwhile an increasingly bellicose Vladimir Putin has annexed Belarus and now has set his sights on the Baltic States.

Airstrip One, anyone???


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