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Really Use-Less Group - Surprisingly Useful! Try it. PDF Print E-mail
Written by Jane Horton   
Monday, 02 June 2008 11:30


The Really Useless Group (RUG) was formed in 2005 by a group of Ledbury people concerned about climate change. It began as a social group that met to encourage each other to live more sustainably and make this enjoyable and not a chore. Since that time RUG has grown into a group championing actions that support the growth of greener living in Ledbury.

It’s fun! We eat a lot of cake, meet interesting people, organize social events and enjoy ourselves as well as reducing our carbon footprint. Cutting our energy use saves money too. Most of our meetings are child friendly so the kids enjoy it as well. There are currently twelve core RUG members and seventy others on the mailing list.

Our current activities include:
• Encouraging each other to cut our carbon emissions
• Encouraging local shops to stock recycled products and to reduce their use of plastic bags
• A communal allotment project where you can learn how to grow your own fruit & veg.
• Meter Beater – where teams of around 6 households compete to reduce their energy consumption for cash prizes.
• Showing films and organising events e.g. the Spring Greens Fair and the film An Inconvenient Truth
• Organising visits to local eco interesting places e.g. solar panels, wind turbines, biodigester etc.  They usually end up in a café or pub!

Currently under discussion are:
• Working for Ledbury to become a Transition Town
• Starting a green book group
• Holding a series of film showings and discussions in the autumn
• Producing a Green Directory for Ledbury.

If you’d like to find out more either:
• Leave a comment below or put a message up in the Green Views section of the Portal forum,
• E-mail Jane (Horton) on This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
• Or ring Perry (Walker) on 01531 637223.

We’d love to hear from you.

Last Updated on Monday, 02 June 2008 13:10