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Portal editor sacked PDF Print E-mail
Written by John Eager   
Thursday, 25 December 2008 11:39

The Ledbury Portal editor has been sacked by the Ledbury Portal. Editor, John Eager, has come under recent criticism, and long standing criticism, for the way he has edited, or rather not edited the Portal.

But let's clear one thing up straight away, has he been sacked or made redundant? "Neither" said an indignant Mr Eager - "I resigned. And so would anyone in my situation. A year and a half I've been editing this web-rag and I haven't been paid a single penny - it's monstrous."

"I sacked him," Portal owner John Eager told this writer "as simple as that. Talked to him early Christmas Day morning and told him I'd had enough of him. Of course,.he's going to tell you he's resigned, that's what he said to me as soon as I sacked him."

The Portal owner went on to tell me that Mr Eager had had to go because the Portal had just stopped moving forwards. "We haven't had a new news story for a whole week, I don't know what he's been up to." Ex-editor, John Eager, replied: "It's hardly my fault if there is no new news, I'm just the editor, where are the writers and citizen journalists? Look at the newspapers; at this time of year there's no news coming in because everyone's on holiday. Funny that, no Council propaganda, just the police telling people not to drink and drive. At the end of the day, if people don't provide news, culture and information to a community portal then how can anyone edit it?"

And about the lack of pay? "That's ridiculous" said owner John Eager. "This is a locally owned media organization, which is there for the whole community to use. There's no profit and nobody is paid. It's a kind of community service... bit like a charity. Why should he get paid? The man's a fool - that's why I sacked him."

So, who will fill Mr Eager's shoes? "No idea" responded the Portal's owner. "It's up for grabs, isn't it. But I'm sure the Ledbury Portal will grow from this decision and become stronger. There are plans for changes, but the Portal can only be as strong as the community who use and choose to support it."

Owner John Eager added that if anyone is interested in editing or writing for the Ledbury Portal to contact him via the website.


Last Updated on Saturday, 03 January 2009 11:37