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Self-publish on the Portal PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Saturday, 18 July 2009 12:13

Enjoy the pleasures of self-publishing on the new look Ledbury Community Portal. Write your own articles and publish your own photographs or videos.

Whether you are a business, a club or organisation or an individual with something to share with the rest of the community you can get your views, news, stories and press releases published here on the Portal.


To write an article, add comments to other articles, use the forum or to add a web link you need to be registered and logged on to the Portal. This is a simple process which involves minimal input on your part. For registration all we ask is your name, a user name and your email address.


Perhaps you just want to chat or say something without having your views framed as a news article. For this purpose we've included the Ledbury Forum as an informal area, rather like a website blog or a newspaper's letters page. There are various areas to this Forum. If you represent a club or society you might like to have a section of the Forum dedicated for your group alone.


Take a look at our extensive web links section where you can find local websites that deal with everything from the arts to the environment, history to tourism and schools to clubs and societies. If you know of a local website that deserves inclusion add the weblink yourself using the User Menu.


If you are a business you might want to think about some of the many ways you can make use of the Ledbury Community Portal to both inform your existing customers and to find new customers. You can write a news article, which can become a regular feature as you effectively build and expand your own web pages within the Portal; you can put your business on the Ledbury Directory (basic listings are free of charge), or you can buy advertising space on the Ledbury Portal for as little as £150 a year.


If you have an event that want people to know about you can write an article about it or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it and we will add it to the Events Calendar.


You can watch local videos, access media newsfeeds, and catch up on the local weather forecast all from the convenience of your Ledbury Community Portal.


From time to time we will publish opinion pollsl where you are welcome to vote. If you have an idea for a poll on the Portal don't hesitate to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .


If you have any ideas and suggestions for your Community Portal please This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it and let us know.


When you write on the Ledbury Portal we confidently promise that you can express yourself without the fear of the being misrepresented by seasoned hacks and/or your article redacted and compromised by an editor who is just after your story to sell their newspaper. The Ledbury Community Portal is first and foremost about you the writer and your freedom of expression. This Portal is here to give you that platform.


Web publishing is an environmentally friendly way to both express and inform yourself. No wasted ink and paper and no wasteful printing and no delivery costs. The Ledbury Community Portal is free to read, free to register with and freely empowers you to self-publish.


Editor's note

Articles, the forum and web links are all checked by the editor before publication to ensure that nothing illegal, malicious or offensive is published. If the editor believes major changes are required to your article, you will be contacted so that your article can be discussed before publication.

Last Updated on Thursday, 24 December 2015 12:47

Comments, category: "Help"