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David Waller


How to write for the Portal PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Thursday, 08 October 2009 15:02

The much awaited help file 'How to write for the Portal' has been completed and is now published on the side menu under 'Site Help'.

Many thanks to Marcus Morris and his aide, Philip Barber, for researching and writing this important document for Ledbury Portal writers.

Ed: Following the major hiccup in early 2012, the 'Publications' folder and all its contents were lost. The folder has now been re-created and those files that could be recovered will soon be reinstated.

Marcus's original treatise has recently been found in the bowels of one of the computers in Ice Bytes. An addendum page has been added and it is now back in its rightful place.


Last Updated on Thursday, 24 December 2015 12:46
Comments (2)
spell checker
2 Thursday, 22 October 2009 16:32
John Eager
Thanks for your comments, Steve.
I'll double check, but I'm pretty sure none of the Joomla editors have spell checkers - I quite agree that is a big lack. Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about the editor.
However, there are online spell checkers, and one has been in our weblinks under Writers Resources, since the dawn of the Portal. Best we can do for now, but I'll have another look.
Portal manual
1 Thursday, 22 October 2009 14:54
Steve Glennie-Smith
Good work and easy to understand. Glad you now have a 'picture library', so no need to clutter my own website with Portal images - and keep track of links if I do a tidy-up.

I thoroughly endorse preparing your article off-line: the Portal editor has crashed on me before, and no doubt it will do so again. Also it doesn't have a spell-checker, commonplace in all decent word processing software and an essential addition for this dyslexic keyboard.

Comments, category: "Help"