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Pip Powell - The Spokesman PDF Print E-mail
Written by John Eager   
Wednesday, 10 March 2010 09:50

Pip Powell by Cookie of the Cartoonery on Ledbury PortalAll week people have been stopping outside Pip Powell’s cycle shop in the Homend to look at the photographs that have been put in the window reflecting Pip’s life.  People have stopped and chatted about Pip, sharing their memories of one of the Ledbury’s true stars.

The online community has also been active.  A Facebook page was set up by Chris Perkins and joined by 320 people who left their messages of condolence for his family and celebration of Pip’s life and character.

Today is Pip’s funeral service at 12:30 at St Michael and All Angels Church.

The following is a poem about Pip written by Dave Cartwright:

The Spokesman

A stone-stepped stairway to heaven:
a shop full of frames, brake-blocks and bells,
tyres and saddles, badges and well-
sorted chaos.

Enamelled Herculean signs, with rust
eating through at the edge; a reminder to us
that here is a man versed in time.

Old ways of life may constantly change,
but this is an eternal scene.

Fathers, who once came as sons in the days
when a car was an uncommon sight,
stand and inspect, admire, then select
a gear-cable, hand-pump or light.
Upturned, prostrate, shambolic.

Onto the pavement the confusion spills,
waiting, dismembered - in silence - for skills

Occasionally some eager rider is warned
to exercise caution, or is playfully scorned
with a curse that belittles the crime.

And then in frustration a note will appear:
‘No more repairs for a week.’

The message is clear, but clearly ignored;
he knows they have nowhere to go,
and somehow he’ll fit
an emergency, kit
out an innocent, tyre-less or low.

Tourers and Grifters and old BMX,
mountain bikes, Cruisers;
whatever comes next,
he is, like the tabby that sits on the steps:
a survivor.

Committed, yet guileless,
and forever free
of greed or ambition.

Long may he be.


Pip Powell 1930-2010

Ledbury Shopping in the late 1930s by Pip Powell

Comments (2)
The church was full to the gunwales
2 Thursday, 11 March 2010 12:43
Steve Glennie-Smith
I am not a church-goer, but I would be surprised if the largest (by far) public building in Ledbury has ever had getting on for 500 people inside it at the same time - except perhaps for the Mystery Play that was staged there in March 2005.

It just shows in what esteem that man was held by so many people from so many different walks of life. I felt privileged to be able to attend your funeral, Pip - RIP.
Anomalous steed
1 Thursday, 11 March 2010 03:49
Marcus Morris
Do you suppose there is any way in which Pip Powell's truly anomalous steed might be placed on permanent display in honour of his memory? His cycle of preference certainly was a source of wonderment. He serviced the best yet rode the most humble.

Comments, category: "Obituaries"