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Library Campaign Aimed at Babies PDF Print E-mail
Written by Communist Council of Herefordshire   
Thursday, 28 April 2011 15:51

Spoof Article

Babies must read booksThe Communist Council of Herefordshire has launched a new campaign to enforce babies and toddlers to become library members.

Every child will join the library and will be given a free gift.

Ms Goodman, Communist Council learning enforcement officer, said: “Libraries love babies, and babies will be forced to learn to read. The library offers the best choice of communist approved books and they can be borrowed by donation of state controlled tax collections. These books are free.

“By joining the library, children will develop early learning and social skills. Mothers must to breastfeed in the library too - not on public footpaths.

“Babies are noisy– but that doesn’t matter in libraries any more," the learning enforcement officer added.


"Babies must attend libraries. You will not dissent."

Last Updated on Tuesday, 10 May 2011 09:04