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Appeal Filed to Stop Shell Drilling in Arctic PDF Print E-mail
Written by Center for Biological Diversity   
Friday, 02 December 2011 12:12

In defense of the fragile, remote waters of the Arctic Ocean -- and the unique creatures that call them home -- the Center for Biological Diversity and a coalition of allies on Monday appealed the air-pollution permit allowing Shell Oil's Kulluk fleet to drill there. The move comes just a month after we filed a similar appeal over Shell's planned Discoverer ship drilling.

Each year, the Kulluk fleet would spew out 200 tons of carbon monoxide, 240 tons of nitrogen dioxides and 80,000 tons of carbon dioxide -- roughly doubling the amount of global warming pollution produced by all of Alaska's North Slope Borough households. Yet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency green-lighted air-pollution permits for the drilling fleet, which could move forward as early as next summer. And of course, Arctic drilling not only exacerbates global warming in an area hit hard by climate change, it also risks a catastrophic spill that would be impossible to clean up, endangering polar bears, walruses, whales and seals.

Get more from the Associated Press and take action to tell President Obama to keep Big Oil out of the Arctic.


Last Updated on Tuesday, 17 January 2012 12:01