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We Happy Few PDF Print E-mail
Written by Richard Wishart   
Monday, 23 April 2012 12:36

This first play by Imogen Stubbs documents with a fine sense of history the ups and downs, joys and miseries of a troupe of mainly female players, the Osiris Repertory Company, who toured Shakespeare, Shaw and Coward through the length and breadth of Britain during the dark days of the last world war. Charging five old pence for a seat, these intrepid women travelled in converted Rolls Royce cars and played in schools, village halls, factories and barracks or anywhere an audience could be found.


Superbly written dialogue and with a fine sense of comedy, while not ignoring the sometimes grim reality of the lives of the actors and the deprivations of war, the play bounces along ignoring floods, bombs and breakdowns. The play was premiered at Malvern Theatres Forum Theatre in 2003, directed by Stephen Rayne and subsequently transferred to the West End, directed by Trevor Nunn.

Malvern Theatre Players, as the resident company of Malvern Theatres, was deeply involved in the original production, providing set construction, properties and costume and we are therefore very excited to have the opportunity to present the play ourselves.

Uplifting, touching and often hilariously funny

Venue: Malvern Theatres - Festival -

Times Eves: at 7.30pm, Sat Mat at 2.30pm

Prices: £14

Concessions £2 off Over 60s/Unwaged

Bookings call 01684 892277 or malverntheatres


Last Updated on Friday, 25 May 2012 17:37

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