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Annual Town Meeting PDF Print E-mail
Written by Steve Glennie-Smith   
Tuesday, 24 April 2012 22:05

During a casual conversation with one of our Town Councillors, the subject of the Town Meeting came up. It transpires that this year's meeting will be on Thursday (April 26th) at 7:30pm, in the Burgage Hall. To quote the Town Council's website: "The Parish Meeting may by law discuss all parish affairs and pass resolutions about them." More here.

It is also a legal requirement that notice is given of these meetings - a printed notice appears on the notice board by the Town Council offices, and one would normally appear in the Ledbury Reporter (despite it not being based in Ledbury). I can only hope it was an oversight that no such notice was sent to the Ledbury Portal for publication.....

Last Updated on Sunday, 29 April 2012 20:01
Comments (2)
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
2 Wednesday, 02 May 2012 10:32
John Eager
The Ledbury Community Portal is a citizen journalist project. The Town Council is not a citizen. It does however, at last count, have several citizen councilors who are registered users of the Ledbury Portal, and who could, if they so wish, publish council agendas, meetings, press releases, propaganda etc at will.
I am under no obligation to publish anything on behalf of the Town Council, especially in the current climate.
If the council wants to use the Portal it can. But it must do so itself. My guess is, if it really wanted to, it would. As it chooses not to, it doesn't want to.
Annual Town Meeting
1 Monday, 30 April 2012 12:00
Andrew Harrison
I asked this question of Town Council and they replied that an email was sent to the Portal on 16 April.

Comments, category: "What's On?"