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Ledbury Portal cookie policy PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Friday, 14 December 2012 17:58


The Ledbury Portal uses 'cookies', which are small text files stored on your computer. An EU Cookie Law (part of the EU Privacy Directive) came into effect in the UK on the 26th May 2012. This requires all websites that use cookies to state their cookie policy. This statement is our interpretation of that law and how it affects the Ledbury Portal and its users.

If you visit the Ledbury Portal, a temporary cookie is placed on your computer that is automatically deleted as soon as you close your browser. This cookie is a function of the Joomla content management system used by the Portal. We are not able to change the default setting without affecting proper functionality of the site, but we have ensured that the cookie does not gather any personal information.

You may delete the cookie at any time, or set your browser to disable cookies altogether, and you will still be able to view all content on the Portal.

However, if you have disabled cookies, you will not be able to log on to write an article or comment. If, after logging on, you then delete the cookie, you will be logged off automatically. The cookie is placed merely to check that your logged-in connection remains valid while you navigate the site.

If you check the 'Remember Me' checkbox when logging in, a cookie with an expiry date one year from your last login date will remain on your computer. The Ledbury Portal uses that cookie to log you back on automatically at your next visit. If you delete the cookie, this record will be lost and you will have to supply a user name and password as before to log back on.

See also our 'Privacy Policy' document (in PDF format).

Many websites comply with the 'Cookie Law' by showing a pop-up every time a user visits the site. We think this practice annoys visitors and prefer therefore to comply with the law by drawing your attention to this article, which will remain accessible from the side menu.


Last Updated on Thursday, 24 December 2015 12:48