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Clubs & Societies
Written by Jennifer Harrison   
Saturday, 16 February 2013 14:17

Ledbury Women's Institute

We meet as a group at 7.30pm on the 2nd Wednesday of each month in the Parish Room of the Catholic Church on New Street.

Our range of interesting speakers this year include:

My experiences as a WW2 evacuee

Living with a Canine Partner

Finding Your Get Up and Go!

Windsor Castle

The Restoration of Ledbury's Master House

The Art of Gift Wrapping

Marine Conservation in the UK

Also, members can join one of our monthly activities -

Luncheon Club, Craft Club, Writers' Circle and a Gentle Walking Group.

As part of the wider Herefordshire Federation and the National Federation of WIs we get many opportunities to join in events visits, outings and courses locally and in the UK and also holidays abroad.

If you would like to find out more, please ring 01531 636808  or just come to a meeting - visitors are always most welcome.


Last Updated on Monday, 25 February 2013 15:01