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Crap Green Stuff PDF Print E-mail
Written by Willy Biggun   
Thursday, 28 November 2013 13:57

Aping about on Ledbury Portal

Satirical Nature

Hi, I'm Willy Biggun, your selected Member of the Great Ape Parliament. I'll be representing you chimps soon, as you'll be selecting me at the next election. And the one after that. Ha, ha!

No, I love representing you and over the coming parliamentary sessions I'll be using this space to explain my party's ideology.

"Crap Green Stuff" - you heard it right - I used that horrible, offensive word - green!

Only 97% of scientists believe that the rise in Earth temperature over the past century is probably due to ape-made causes - deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels. They say the results are well-documented - loss of glaciers; reduction in polar ice; trapped methane leaking from warmer oceans; death of coral reefs; an increase in mega storms and so on. Holy Crap!



Meanwhile, the other 3% - all of them scientists without prejudice - think not. We know from past experience that minority thinking is usually right - Pythagoras versus the flat Earthers; Copernicus versus the ancient Earth-centric view; Darwin versus religious orthodoxy: minority scientists who knew what they were doing and were proved correct by the test of time.

It's all about believing, and putting your trust in us - your selected members - influenced by the best scientists with your best interests at heart.

So, do yourself a favour - don't believe the crap!

Big Smile to all of yous,


Last Updated on Monday, 09 December 2013 12:29