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David Waller


Black Friday at Tesco PDF Print E-mail
Written by S.C. Rooge   
Saturday, 06 December 2014 21:04

Comments (1)
Tesco's oxymoron
1 Thursday, 11 December 2014 13:06
Ray X
Tesco boss, Dave Lewis, must think people are stupid. He says he will make Tesco 'fairer' and 'cheaper'. How so? Fair Trade products are more expensive, not cheaper. Paying a fairer living wage to staff, will increase Tesco costs, making goods more expensive. Not allowing its suppliers to use slaves (GP Foods) would make prawns more expensive, and I guess its beef, not horse meat, hasn't brought down meat prices either. Pumping water into chicken meat never seemed fair to me, being a lie to its customers. The Tesco promise to inspect and investigate its suppliers more efficiently can only increase the price of its products. And being fairer to its suppliers by paying a fair price for goods and not demanding that its suppliers unfairly pay Tesco for the privilege of supplying it, would surely cost the grocer more. This is simple economics, something Tesco can't quite get a handle on.