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The Brexit Party's Website PDF Print E-mail
Written by Willy Biggun   
Friday, 22 November 2019 19:34

Ed: stuck on Day 9 of its 'Advent Calendar' counting down to the general election, but the price Mr Farage would have to pay to buy the domain is still increasing...


Voters in my constituency of North Herefordshire will be denied the opportunity to vote for the Brexit party, owing to a pact between Nigel and our glorious leader Boris, whereby my large majority in 2017 could not be split between the two parties.  Those who have the temerity to stand against me on December 12th will be candidates from the Labour Party, Lib Dems and the Greens.

Candidate details, including comments about my directorship of a Bermuda-based company that advises on how to launch hedge funds in tax havens can be found here.

Mr Farage failed to secure the domain, thus letting this scurrilous ‘donkeys’ crowd perpetrate the truth about poor old Nigel....  The asking price for the domain started at a million quid and is rising by £50k per day (or just under 58p per second).

Comments (1)
Are you voting for Climate Change?
1 Wednesday, 04 December 2019 11:21
Ray X
If you vote Conservative at this election, be in no doubt, you will actively be voting for Climate Change. So, if the Tories do win, do not complain about future floods, fires, droughts, storms and rising sea levels resulting from Climate Change.

Those of us who have been voting Green for decades, no longer have patience in the likes of Johnson and his Climate Change deniers.

Let's be honest, the Conservatives, like the USA and Russia actively seek Climate Change, to open up the Arctic for shipping routes and oil exploitation, so their corporations will profit at the expense of poorer nations and people and eco-systems across the world.

Climate Change is being used as a weapon. Who do you support?