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Wiggin not considered to be a 'good MP' PDF Print E-mail
Written by Steve Glennie-Smith   
Wednesday, 04 December 2019 19:05 has published The People-Power Index: How did your MP score? listing all current MPs (ie. those elected in 2017) in order of 'goodness'.

Bill Wiggin (Conservative - North Herefordshire) is listed as 595th (out of 650). used ten data sources to make the index - these measure the following (in priority order):-

  1. Your MP’s availability to their constituents.
    This looks at how your MP is available online (email and social media), offline (holding “surgeries” in your local area and a caseworker), and whether your MP is distracted by a second (or third) job;
  2. Your MP’s participation in Parliament.
    This looks at your MP’s participation record for voting in Parliament, so that your constituency is counted when new laws are passed, and how often your MP raises issues from your constituency in Parliament;
  3. How an MP listens to the public.
    An MP’s top priority is their constituency, but they also have a responsibility to the wider general public to bring political attention to public campaigns and priority issues by discussing them in Parliament.

Update: Even a certain J. Rees-Mogg came in at 555th and his ERG chum Marc François (whose French surname is spelt here as it should be - with a cedilla) was 560th.  Jesse Norman (Conservative - Hereford and South Herefordshire) did somewhat better, at 341st position.  It has come to something when former senior Tories Sir John Major and Lord Heseltine are both advocating voting for independents or Lib Dems.  However, voting tactically in North Herefordshire would be pointless, according to - not surprising since even a sheep with a blue rosette attached to it would stand too good a chance of getting in....

“Numquid quis oves mentionem?  Speeble.  Squirp..  Phoo-arhhhh!!!” “Errm.. Yes, Boris - no, Boris....”

Jonathan Pie’s rant about austerity and Boris’s appalling track record says it all:

Warning: contains colourful language. Nil illegitimi carborundum...

Last Updated on Friday, 06 December 2019 21:20
Comments (4)
4 Thursday, 02 January 2020 16:26
Ray X
It is fear that fuels the hatred of vegans by omnivores, just as fear fuels the hunters hatred of animal rights activists and fear fuels President Trump's hatred of Greta.

It is the same fear that the mega rich have of the poor - they do not want to lose what they have or what they do.

The Climate Emergency will see many other fears of losing - pet owners will turn their anger on non-pet owners; frequent fliers on stay-at-homers; car drivers on cyclists and farmers on everybody else as we all start to realise the damage done by sheep, heavy agricultural vehicles, pesticides and herbicides, fertilisers, intensive farming and mono-crops.

But if you think this is tough, think internationally - the fear of China regarding shark fins; the Middle East and oil; Australia's coal production and India's population surge.

It may feel like grief, but the time is now for solutions, not the fear of admitting that you are wrong or being outed by those who seek solutions.
MP Misheard
3 Monday, 16 December 2019 16:28
Lady Pen
Overheard in a Bromyard Butchers before the election - 'I ate vegetarians'
Of course we all have to have cars!
2 Sunday, 08 December 2019 21:35
A. Cyclist

Following the continuing demise of the railways, how else do you expect him to get to Westminster? Never mind that even a hybrid car produces more pollution per passenger-mile than a train.

Shifting Baseline Syndrome
1 Thursday, 05 December 2019 12:09
Ray X
Bill Wiggin's latest propaganda through the post reveals his and the Conservative Party's inability to understand the issues surrounding Climate Change.

He says: "I always champion farmers battling any threat to rural livelihoods... I believe we have to protect our countryside and its biodiversity."

Bill is looking at farms and the countryside through his rose-tinted child eyes - we all tend to see things from this perspective, but it is, of course, always shifting. Why protect the imagination of the countryside from the 1970s or 1950s - why not the 1850s - or even earlier when Britain was largely covered by forests.

Bill wants to keep things the way they are - with Britain suffering one of the biggest losses of tree cover compared to anywhere in the world during the modern age. He wants to keep the reduction of wildlife as it is - with insect, amphibian, reptile, mammal and bird populations being devastated by urbanisation, farming methods and climate change.

Bill actively wants to keep things the way they are, when the world needs to wake up and change before it is too late to stop the loss of biodiversity.

Bill says the answer is we should all drive hybrid electric cars. That just about says everything you need to know about Bill and his shifting baseline syndrome: We must drive; we must have cars - because, from his baseline perspective, we have always had cars!