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Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Public Consultation PDF Print E-mail
Written by Ledbury Town Council   
Thursday, 17 June 2021 10:22

The first Public Consultation stage of the NDP revision is now underway and lasts until midnight on 16th July.

In addition, all households in the Parish will be receiving a copy of the Issues and Options leaflet - and the questionnaire in the post during June should you prefer to complete your survey on paper.  However, we strongly prefer that you (and that means all individual members in your household who are 16 or over) please complete the questionnaire online - using this link - and in either case by the 16th July deadline.  [Ed: If you are entering a lot of text in the comment boxes, it is much easier to prepare these off-line in (eg.) Word and copy/paste them when online.  Note that the comment boxes are very small, and text is wider than the boxes, which imposes a horizontal scrollbar.  This makes entering and reviewing comments online awkward.  Also, note that text decoration features like bold and italics are not available - so you have to resort to old-fashioned CAPITALS to emphasise text...]

Update 28th June: The Town Council is aware that the Issues and Options leaflet with its questionnaire have not been delivered by Royal Mail to all addresses in Ledbury.  If you have not received yours, or would like further copies, or need help completing it, please telephone 01531-632306 or email the This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Ed: This plan sets out a vision for Ledbury over the next ten years.  The most important part of this is the ‘Settlement Boundary’, outside which development will not be permitted.  The Town Council recommends Option C (see map below): a defined Settlement Boundary that protects the Riverside Park, includes committed development sites with provision for future employment land and public open space.  Other options are: a somewhat vague boundary that only includes committed sites, or no settlement boundary at all.  Anything other than a properly defined boundary (which will be legally binding, once the NDP is adopted by Herefordshire Council) risks it being violated by avaricious developers, aided by lawyers who are well-versed in the art of planning law.  The Portal is aware that land agent Gladman is preparing a renewed planning application for land south of the Hawk Rise estate: an earlier application by the same company for the same site was refused, later upheld on appealIt is absolutely vital therefore that a Settlement Boundary is put in place ASAP.

The preferred Settlement Boundary map appears below (please click on it for a higher quality image):

Higher definition versions of all plans are available on the Town Council's website here - in section 9.  Figures 3 and 6 were missing, but they have now been uploaded, though the links to these two maps went awry for some time - since fixed.

To be absolutely clear, here are direct links to these maps: