NDP Public Consultation - second phase Print
Written by Ledbury Town Council   
Thursday, 20 January 2022 20:27

The revised Ledbury Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP 2022-2031) has reached its next (Regulation 14 statutory) consultation stage, which will run for 6 weeks from 5th February to 19th March 2022 inclusive.

Statutory consultees, the public, local businesses and stakeholders are now being encouraged and invited to give their views on the new plan, which has been formulated taking into account extensive public consultation feedback during 2021.

There will be five public exhibitions to view the proposals and ask questions, all taking place in the Panelled Room, Ledbury Town Council offices.  Dates and times will be:

  • Saturdays 5th February and 12th February  11:00 - 15:00
    Drop in consultation events
  • Tuesday 8th February  07:00 - 14:00
    Business consultation focus
  • Tuesday 15th February and Wednesday 16th  10:00 - 19:00
    Drop-in consultation events

There will also be two Zoom sessions, with a presentation and opportunity for questions, which will be open to all on the following dates:

  • Tuesday 8th February  17:00 - 19:00
  • Wednesday 23rd February  10:00 - 12:00

Since this is a statutory consultation, feedback can only be given on a specific Response Form which the Town Council would prefer to be completed online if possible.  The link for the online survey and other consultation information can be found on the Council’s website on the Neighbourhood Development Plan page ‘Updating our NDP’.  Links to the Zoom sessions can also be found there.

Other options to respond include submitting via a QR code for mobile devices or by completing the Response Form on paper, copies of which can be collected from the Town Council offices during office hours or obtained by emailing This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

The new plan document can be read online on the Council’s website on the Neighbourhood Development Plan page ‘NDP Documents’.  The plan and supporting documents can be found in Section 2.3 of this page.  A statutory notice of the consultation has been posted by the Town Council, which states that hard copies of the revised plan can be seen at the Council offices, Church Lane and the Library throughout the six-week consultation period.  Hard copies of the plan can also be borrowed from the Council Offices or emailed on request to the Clerk.

The revised plan has been drafted following the results of an extensive public consultation based on an ‘Issues and Options’ questionnaire and held in the summer of 2021 to seek the community’s views on the policies it would like to see included in the revision.  Drawing up a settlement boundary was one of the key objectives for the new version of the existing plan, which was adopted early in 2019.  Other main issues that were consulted upon including sporting facilities, the need for a new medical centre and enhancing and protecting our local green spaces and green infrastructure.  Over 6000 questionnaires were delivered to all Ledbury post codes by the Royal Mail, with some 150 local organisations, businesses and ‘hard to reach’ groups also being given the opportunity to provide their input.

It has entailed many hours of work by volunteers, Ledbury Town Council and consultants, with the input of residents, businesses and stakeholders.  The aim is to produce a robust plan which expresses the wishes of the community and which will guide the town’s future development.

Following this consultation, the responses will be collated and analysed.  If necessary, the document will be amended and then submitted to Herefordshire Council, who will then undertake a final public consultation later in the year before putting the plan to formal examination by an independent inspector.

Last Updated on Thursday, 03 February 2022 20:32