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Green Party MP's maiden speech
Written by Steve Glennie-Smith   
Saturday, 20 July 2024 09:18

North Herefordshire's newly elected Green Party MP, Dr. Ellie Chowns, has used her maiden speech in the House of Commons to highlight pollution in the River Wye and is calling for all water companies to be taken into public ownership, according to the BBC.

Wiggin - OUT!!!
Written by A. Cyclist   
Friday, 05 July 2024 11:42

aka. Herefordshire’s now Green and (hopefully will remain) pleasant land.

On the NHS’s 76th birthday, Dr. Ellie Chowns has abruptly ended ‘Sir’ Bill Wiggin’s 23-year tenure (similar to Hurricane Beryl’s effect on the base of two of his hedge funds), and over a century of ‘the Blues’.  Can we now hope for a better deal for North Herefordshire?  Our rural county must not succumb to a threatened ‘Starmergeddon’ coverage with significantly more unwanted housing.  A Labour government under Clement Attlee initiated the first Green Belt just after WWII.  Now that same party has declared its intention to build on it...

There is no doubt a large number of people voted tactically here, aided by an extremely concerted leafletting programme by the Greens (we sincerely hope all these, and those of the other parties, are recycled)...  Judging by the number of Green posters in Ledbury and elsewhere in the constituency in the weeks leading up to the election (this cyclist didn’t see anything from any other party in the area), they certainly drummed up some considerable support.  Greens, Lib. Dems. and Labour all claimed to be in second place to Mr. Wiggin and that a vote for any other party was effectively wasted.  However, the results were remarkable (source: Wikipædia):

  2024 votes 2019 votes
  No. %age No. %age
  Green Ellie Chowns 21736  4769  9.3%
  Conservative Bill Wiggin 15842 31.5% 32158 63.0%
  Reform UK Andy Dye  8048 16.0%  -  -
  Labour Jon Browning *  3205  6.4%  6804 13.3%
  Liberal Democrat Cat Hornsey *  1436  2.9%  7302 14.3%
  Social Democratic Party Michael Guest   95  0.2%  -  -
  Majority    5894 11.7% 24856 48.7%
  Turnout   71.7%   72.6%
* The Labour and Lib. Dem. candidates in 2019 were Joe Wood and Phillip Howells respectively.

The Greens’ persistence has certainly paid off - they won all 4 of their heavily targetted seats, these being North Herefordshire, Waveney Valley (Suffolk - gain from Conservative), Bristol Central (gain from Labour) and Brighton Pavilion (held).  Given that constituency boundaries are based on roughly equal population, North Herefordshire is the largest in area of these.  So (for example) fixing potholes here will be especially challenging..

Jesse Norman (Conservative) retained the City and South seat, but his majority was halved (from 61.2% to 32.6%) - and the seat was predicted to fall to Labour.  Likewise, the Tories held on to West Worcestershire (which includes Malvern) with a reduced majority, but lost Worcester City to Labour.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 10 July 2024 20:09
Ledbury Walkers' Club
Written by Cherith Peachey   
Thursday, 12 May 2022 19:28

The Club is now in its 30th year of operation and has around 60 members from Ledbury, Malvern, Ross-on-Wye and other parts of Herefordshire, Gloucestershire and Worcestershire.

We walk most Thursday mornings starting at 10:00am.  The walks are usually around 5 miles in length and generally start within a 15 mile radius of Ledbury town.  From time to time walks start from a pub in the area where we can have food, or a drink and relax after the walk is over.

We meet at a start point given in the Club programme, any car sharing arrangements are made on an informal basis between members.

The walks programme can be obtained from the Walks Organisers, whose contact details are below:

Ledbury Walkers' Club
Chairman: Rob Hooper (01531 640093)
Secretary: Cherith Peachey (07968 787086)
Treasurer: Gordon Harris (07890 555258)
Walks Organisers: Marilyn Griffiths (07989 018247) and Lynda Williams (07795 571484)
Or email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

The Club constitution states that all walkers, both members and visitors, walk at their own risk.  Please also note that the Club constitution does not permit members and visitors to bring dogs on Club outings.

We walk on defined footpaths and bridleways shown on the OS 1:25000 scale maps.  These can be muddy and the terrain rough.  Members and visitors who wish to walk with the Club should ensure they have adequate footwear and are properly clothed and equipped for the conditions.

The Ledbury Walkers Club is not affiliated to the Ramblers Association.

(Article amended 5th June 2024)

Last Updated on Wednesday, 19 June 2024 18:08
Aldi's robots are watching you...
Written by A. Cyclist   
Friday, 06 October 2023 20:20

Aldi has recently introduced self-scan checkouts (robots) in its Ledbury store, though they are often non-operational (as in the photo to the right).

The number of ‘normal’ checkouts has been reduced from 7 to 5 to accommodate seven robots (three of which can now accept cash: all accept cards).   These incorporate cameras - the upper screen in front of the user displays their image while they’re using the machine.  I have asked Aldi customer services (by email) some pertinent questions:

  1. Why are images of customers being shown without their consent on these checkouts?  I am wondering why you appear to be recording customer activity.
  2. How do these checkouts ascertain if an item has a discount (eg. when an item will be out of date at the end of that day)?

Aldi’s first reply evaded both these questions, so I queried the legality of recording images of customers without their consent (I could not see at the time any warning notices that recording was taking place).  This evoked the following response:

“In relation to self-service checkouts, after an initial trial in a few selected Aldi stores, our self-service checkouts have proved popular with customers, so we are making these available in further stores.  Rest assured that our colleagues will still be on hand if you need them.  In fact, self-service checkouts mean that our store staff can spend more of their time on the shop floor helping customers while they shop.

“Also, we do still have the regular manned tills in the store.  The screens you are referring to are used as a theft deterrent however, please be assured that these do not record sensitive information such as your card details.”

Ah-ha!  To be effective as a theft deterrent, images would have to be recorded to provide evidence.  Whilst it would be expected that any recording is erased immediately after an honest purchase, there has been no statement that this is the case.  On 9th October, I followed with a request for an assurance footage of legitimate transactions would be deleted.  No relevant response has been received to date - just a survey form asking me how I felt about my customer service 'experience', to which I replied negatively...

Last Updated on Thursday, 26 October 2023 19:31
Research in Quorn by Toxicol
Written by Brian Becker   
Thursday, 21 July 2022 09:11

I am currently researching the RHM study into the effects of eating Mycoprotein [Quorn] which was carried out in 1985 at Toxicol Laboratories, Bromyard Road, Ledbury.

If you were involved in this study, in any way, I would be interested to hear from you.  Thank you.

Please contact me at: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Last Updated on Thursday, 21 July 2022 09:20

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