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Ledbury Portal cookie policy
Written by Administrator   
Friday, 14 December 2012 17:58


The Ledbury Portal uses 'cookies', which are small text files stored on your computer. An EU Cookie Law (part of the EU Privacy Directive) came into effect in the UK on the 26th May 2012. This requires all websites that use cookies to state their cookie policy. This statement is our interpretation of that law and how it affects the Ledbury Portal and its users.

Last Updated on Thursday, 24 December 2015 12:48
How to write for the Portal
Written by Administrator   
Thursday, 08 October 2009 15:02

The much awaited help file 'How to write for the Portal' has been completed and is now published on the side menu under 'Site Help'.

Many thanks to Marcus Morris and his aide, Philip Barber, for researching and writing this important document for Ledbury Portal writers.

Ed: Following the major hiccup in early 2012, the 'Publications' folder and all its contents were lost. The folder has now been re-created and those files that could be recovered will soon be reinstated.

Marcus's original treatise has recently been found in the bowels of one of the computers in Ice Bytes. An addendum page has been added and it is now back in its rightful place.


Last Updated on Thursday, 24 December 2015 12:46

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